There's hardly a desktop enhancement we haven't seen, tried, or uninstalled over the years. Many have potential but simply don't pass the daily use test; others have quirks or bugs. Many simply clutter up the desktop. XWidget is a free desktop widget application that has a little of "all of the above." The widgets it creates are small and attractive, mostly, but odd translations and some clunky behavior place it in the "not ready for prime time" category.
XWidget's default widgets worked well enough, once we'd set our location. The weather widget quickly accessed our local time and conditions, once we'd chosen the correct location from a drop-down list. The EkerUptime widget includes Restart and Shut Down buttons. The widgets are compact and have a matte-black finish that goes well with media players and other typical desktop residents. XWidget could use some polish, both in translations as well as functionality. Some proofreading, for example, might have avoided some confusion among English-speaking users. As a free tool for creating and managing desktop widgets, though, it has potential, and it's well worth a look. came on anythink all all friends lets to download and make ure desktop look beautiful
- Add PlayerControlCore
- Add Cover Image Search Tool
- Add Rating Component
- Add ShortcutCore tag "%IsRunningIndicator" and "EnabledRunningMonitor" option
- Fixed HandPoint Cursor Style
- Fixed some small bugs
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