Ashampoo Snap 6.0.2 Full Version - Is a software or printscreen capture screen desktop pc. This software has a feature that is fairly complete, in addition images generated from Ashampoo Snap also has a very good quality. For friends who are new to Ashampoo Snap will probably feel a little trouble, but if you've used everything will be very easy. With this software we will not only be able to take a screenshot of tablets, we can also resize the width and height of the image size, add color effects, add watermark, add blur effects, upload to facebook and youtube and many more.
New highlights
- Restructured tool bars for improved workflow
- New tools, e.g. Floodfill, BlurPen, Numbering etc.
- Facebook and YouTube upload
- Easier accessible configuration options for all tools
- Improved tools supporting rotation and transparency
- Delayed and timed capture
- Menu capture mode for multi-level menus
- Watermarking for screenshots and captured videos
- Recording of webcam and microphone
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Pass : anythink-all
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